As far as I know, you can’t be a car guy without doing a little drag racing. I’ve had countless hours of fun with my turbo GT. Between 2000 and 2004, while in college, I would travel 30 minutes south to Milan Dragway on Wednesday’s and Friday’s for their “Test and Tune” nights. I never went alone, it would always be a mini car meet no matter who tagged along. I took hundreds of runs with my 89 GT. I’ll have to dig up my original time slips but I think I started out in the mid 15’s for the 1/4 mile.
My street and highway racing are worth more than a few stories. The number of times this 89 GT surprised people will never cease to amuse me. Nobody seemed to give it the credit it was due until it was over. I won some, I lost some, I was safe, and did plenty of smiling and laughing along the way.